Category Archives: Indonesia



Today we are leaving Sulawesi and headed to “Borneo” better known as Kalimantan in Indonesia. The ferry dock is 19 km north of Palu and the ride takes about 30 minutes.

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We arrived to the ASDP dock at 2 pm. You have to stop at the port authority booth and pay 40,000R per person for the port fee.… Read the rest

Posted in Indonesia | 2 Comments

Sulawesi- Land of the Toraja


The next step in our Indonesian journey is to get to the island of Sulawesi. We have been told the ferry leaves every Tuesday a 1300 for Bira and that we should be at the terminal at 9, so we showed up at 830.… Read the rest

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Today we leave Timor and head over to the island of Flores. We had our breakfast and were on the road at 8 for the 11 km ride over to the ferry dock.


We arrived at 830 am and were directed to the right to a covered lane filled with bikes.… Read the rest

Posted in Indonesia | 5 Comments

Indonesia : Pulau Timor = Timor Island


We were up with the roosters again today, had breakfast, and were on the road by 9. Our plan for the day is to get near to the Indonesian border and find somewhere to stay there. Plans change.

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We had 2 km of muddy construction to get back out of town and then 32 km of good curvy road to back track to just past Aileu.… Read the rest

Posted in Indonesia | 4 Comments