Category Archives: Great Britain

Snowdonia and the Lake District

lake district 9

We made it back to Douglas at 1330 and drove right up to the check in booth. There were about 10 other bikes there for the fast ferry (3 hours) to Liverpool. There is no passport control or customs. Again you ride on and the staff secure the bikes.… Read the rest

Posted in Great Britain, Wales | Leave a comment

UK South..Castles and Hedgerows

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From Plymouth we took the Tor point ferry and then rode south on the east coast to the end of the road and then up the west coast to Redruth. We had been told that bikes are free westbound on the ferry, but no that is eastbound.… Read the rest

Posted in Great Britain | 2 Comments



The ferry leaves Roscoff France daily at 3 pm for the 6-8 hour crossing to Plymouth. By now it was of course raining again.

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You arrive 45 min early and check in at the gate. Here they will ask for your booking reference and passport.… Read the rest

Posted in Great Britain | 4 Comments