Category Archives: Galapagos

Galapagos Part 4

Last night we had a short sail to the nearby Rabina with its red sand beach.

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The afternoon walk was to see the massive land iguanas and flamingos.

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We went to the bridge for a visit to the captain and a chance to steer the boat.… Read the rest

Posted in Ecuador, Galapagos | 2 Comments

Galapagos Island part 3

Tonight we have an 8 hours sail to Genovesa Island in the north. It was sort of like trying to sleep in a washing machine.

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The first walk of the day we went along the cliffs to see masses of Blue Footed, Red Footed, and Nazca Boobies, and Gulls and their babies.… Read the rest

Posted in Ecuador, Galapagos | Leave a comment

Galapagos Islands part2

During the night we had an uneventful sail to San Salvador Island and landed on Espumilla beach.

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This is a brown sand beach where we saw turtle nests and sea turtles mating.

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There were several huge Galapagos hawks.

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There were the tracks of crabs in the sand and the tracks of sea turtles from their nests.… Read the rest

Posted in Ecuador, Galapagos | 1 Comment

Galapagos Islands part 1

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Headed back to Quito over the mountains it was 10 degrees and then poured rain for about 20 min. We were lucky because about an hour after we arrived it REALLY started to rain, like build an ark rain. We stored the bikes away with Diego at Mariscal Motors and packed up a few things for a trip to the Galapagos.… Read the rest

Posted in Ecuador, Galapagos | 1 Comment