Category Archives: Canada

Home from the Center


We woke to a rain storm, but on the satellite it looked like it was  going to pass by noon. When we set out at 1130 it was already pretty much stopped raining. The oil light on the 650 was briefly flashing on start up yesterday, but the dip stick level was “good”?!… Read the rest

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Alberta Bound!


Still in Ontario after days, but at least we are finally Alberta bound!

We woke to a much warmer day at 18 degrees and rode up to Little Current for breakfast.

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The road is smooth, but mostly straight and with peek a boo views of the lake.… Read the rest

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A Tour of Upper Canada


We are supposed to be in Pickering tonight at Sara’s cousins home to meet up with he family again. We set out the 120 km for Pickering at 6 15 and stuck to the main roads to make time. This was on the 7 to the 115 to the dreaded 401.… Read the rest

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Poutine and Cottage Country

Quebec City-12

Setting out from Padoue village we made for the smaller coastal route along the St Lawrence on the 132 west (route of the navigators).

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Canada has 2 official languages and most everything has both French and English, except interestingly in Quebec where labeling and signage is almost exclusively in French only.… Read the rest

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Gaspé Eh?


Today we are sad to leave PEI and our friends, but we have to get a move on.


We are trying to get the 490 km or as close as possible to Campbellton NB. This is a good starting point for our tour out on the Gaspe Peninsula.… Read the rest

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Prince Edward Island


The plan for the day is to tour a bit around the Acadia park peninsula and then try to get as far as we can. In the next 2 days we have to ride 685 km to Pleasant View on  the west coast of PEI in 2 days time.… Read the rest

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A few things happened on the way to Montreal.


In our Kuala Lumpur hotel were up at 5 am, walked 5 minutes over to KLIA 2 terminal, took the train (you can pre purchase tickets as we did the day before and it is 2R per person) to KLIA1 / M terminal, checked in to our Thai air flight to Bangkok, passed thru primary baggage X-ray, took another train to C terminal, checked in at gate, took the bus out to the plane, and then had a bumpy ride for  2 hours = Finally in Bangkok .… Read the rest

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Vacationing in BC!

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We have parked the bikes for 2 weeks near to Venice and are headed home to Vancouver for Sara’s brother Ben’s wedding this weekend. The 11 hours of flying and the arriving at what was about 5 am Venice time with no sleep made a mess of us.… Read the rest

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Our first winter since 2011 and The Schengen Zone

Home to beautiful Vancouver


We headed to the ranch in Kamloops to pick up the truck which started on the first try again this year. We had some heavy winds this last year so the guys had to put a few new shingles back on the barn.… Read the rest

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Summer in Vancouver part 2

We also had a visit from our Malaysian friend Faizal who we met in Ushuaia.



One of our favourite hang outs this summer.


It was fun playing tourist in Vancouver when our friends from PEI were visiting. This included tea at the Shangra la, Strolls along the sea wall and to Granville Island.… Read the rest

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