Monthly Archives: March 2018

Shipping to Auckland!

North Island NZ 1-2

Today we need to get the bikes sorted to fly and we got a Grab cab for the 21 km drive back to Motowerks. Here the service was done (or so we thought), except the oil filter issue. The shop guys had all the plastics off for a super clean.… Read the rest

Posted in Malaysia, New Zealand | 2 Comments

Kuala Lumpur and a Side Trip to Boracay

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May 1- Dec 29 2017!!

Today the weather looks pretty good and we walked down to “Chinatown” KL and then up to the main Merdeka Square. On the way to the square we came across a Hindu and Buddhist temple and a church before we came to the Merdeka Mosque.… Read the rest

Posted in Malaysia, Phillapines | 6 Comments

Faizal’s 4 day tour of Malaysia


The plan today is breakfast at the Hotel with Trevor, who will stay here another night and then the  rest of us will head to the border. It is 60 km down the 4 south to the border zone and we left at 930 (1030 in Malaysia).… Read the rest

Posted in Malaysia | 6 Comments

Thailand-Finally headed south


We had planned 228 km south to the east coat beach town of Hua Hin despite the poor forecast.

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The first 100 km to get past and away from Bangkok took over 2 hours and we stopped for a break from the 32 degree heat and the steady stream of traffic.… Read the rest

Posted in Thailand | 7 Comments

YSS Suspension


Today is a big day as we are headed to YSS Suspension for our 10 am appointment. It is 112 km and google says 1 hr 35 min, but despite that we left at 0730 and with traffic we arrived just after 930.… Read the rest

Posted in Thailand | Leave a comment