Monthly Archives: April 2015

Ronda & Gibraltar

Now it is time to get serious. We had all our bikes packed up and were ready to go, but the 1200 GS and the 800 GS needed some new tires.


Again thanks to Agustin for connecting us with the tire shop.… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | 4 Comments


marbella 8

Well its still raining in the always sunny south of Spain and so we headed directly southwest the 186 km to Marbella.

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We had been kindly offered a place to stay by Antonio and Natalia. We met Antonio at the BMW dealership in Madrid last week just before he left for a trip to Morocco.… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | 2 Comments


granada 55

The weather has not improved and it is still raining. We set off along the coast and the road winds thru the Cabo de Gata-Nijar National Park for Granada in 301 km.

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The Cabo de Gata-Nijar is a wild and isolated coastal preserve, which is a volcanic area with sharp peaks that fall into the Mediterranean.… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | 2 Comments

Cazorla and Mojacar

cazorla 34

We have managed to kill off two weeks here in Spain while we waited for our Swedish friend Orvar to start heading south to meet us.

We will tour the south of Spain until he catches up. Today we rode back 200 km to La Solana on the highway and then on the secondary roads to Cazorla in another 155 km.… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | 2 Comments

Palencia and Belmonte

ladies on the road 54

This weekend we had separate guys and girls rides planned.

As Dan says “moments from the Guys ride” 260 km to Palencia and then back.

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palencia 1

palencia 3

palencia 4

palencia 5

palencia 6

palencia 8

palencia 13

palencia 11

palencia 14

palencia 17

palencia 18

palencia 19

Sara was off to ride with Alicia Sornosa for her Ladies on the road event. Thanks to the other ladies for some of the photos.… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | Leave a comment



Poor Modesto had to work during the week so we took off to the east coast to Valencia for a few days. Straight there on the highway it 350 km, but we managed to go on the secondary roads for 388 km on the way there and 462 km on the way back.… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | 3 Comments

Getting the bikes ready to ride

Madrid 144

Today is the big day we pick up the bikes from the cargo terminal. We took a taxi out to drop our luggage at our Motostay host Modesto’s apartment and then continued onto the terminal nearby. The Swissport company had sent us a notification by email that the bikes where ready and where we needed to go to present our waybill.… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | 4 Comments

Finally we are going to Madrid

Getting up at 5 am again we were so glad to get a ride to the Airport for 6 am check in. We had a 6 -hour flight to Bogota and then a 10 -hour flight to Madrid.

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Madrid 3

This got us into Spain at 7 am!… Read the rest

Posted in Spain | 4 Comments

Summary of the Americas

the end of the road 28

Summary of the Americas and 18 countries in almost 24 month and over 100,000 km

Part 1 June 22, 2012- May 1 2013

1. Canada (BC, Yukon, NWT, Alberta)- This is our home and our favorite country. The beauty of the wilderness is incredible.… Read the rest

Posted in Multicountry reviews | 3 Comments

Buenos Aires and Shipping to Madrid!

salida BA 44

Getting to bed late at 11 pm we were kept up all night by the outdoor concert in town that was still going strong when we set out for the ferry terminal at 4 30 am. At the dock you must stop at the gate and show your ticket.… Read the rest

Posted in Argentina, Spain | Leave a comment