Monthly Archives: May 2014

Antofogasta de la Sierra

to A del la S kiwi 13

Today we are headed where few people seem to have gone, which is Antofogasta de la Sierra in 257 km. This route is not on google map, but is on RP 43 which heads out from RN 40 just before Hualfin.… Read the rest

Posted in Argentina | Leave a comment



kiwi pics a 10The plan was to go west and make it 345 km to Belen.

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The day started out cloudy with the threat of rain and we rode on the pavement north towards Tucuman and then southwest to Conception. This is where the pavement ended and the rain started.… Read the rest

Posted in Argentina | 2 Comments

Argentina Moto GP

motoGP 4

Well it has been a while we have had almost no internet for the last two weeks, with camping at the Moto GP and travelling in remote areas.

Trevor Angel had contacted us and the Two Moto Kiwi about going to the moto GP and so the Kiwis came to hang out with us in La Falda for a week before so we could all go together.… Read the rest

Posted in Argentina | 3 Comments