MOAB….Arches, Canyons, Bridges….

We set up camp at the Moab KOA and met up with Deb Hewson again. She showed up and cooked us up an amazing gourmet meal including smoked Cornish game hen, Morel mushroom risotto, and rose hip panacotta. The camper in the next site Calvin is a very cool dude so we asked him to join our BMW commune.

Welcome to Utah and f 800

Map of Moab

Deb comes prepared


chef deb

Sara talking to Calvin about feelings


Calvin and his F800GS

BMW comune

It is pretty hot here after 11 am so we hit Arches National Park at 7 am for an 11.6 km hike to the double O arch. Then we had some time to tour the other sites including the delicate arch, balanced rock, and double arch. Dan and Calvin did a little off roading on the slick rock.

Double O arch

Dan in the o

Dan on the Primative trail

private arch

Landscape Arch

red rocks of arches

Balancing Rock

sara hiking

sky over the o

sara on the primative trail

sunrays at arches

delicate arch

dan at the double arch

sara hiking

morning at Arches
Tamara at the visitor’s center told us how great the sunrise was thru the Mesa arch at Canyonlands, so I managed to convince everyone to get up at 5 am to see it. There was a full moon setting just before the sun -rise too. It was worth it for sure.

sunrise thru the arch

Dan at sunrise

sara at sunrise

gang on the arch

sun hits the arch

view thru the mesa arch

sun hits the rock

sun hits the arch

red rocks

sunrise gang

Green River overlook

BMW gang

Dan did a bit of diagnostics on the bikes and the boys did some bodge jobs to fix up some issues on Deb’s bike.

debs new fashion mirror

The WWR sticker application

Deb happy the boys are on the fix up job


One of the most scenic Byways in the USA is the Colorado Canyon from Moab north to the Interstate.

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Dan and Sara on the byway

go pro riders

sara on the byway



Dan and Sara


sara on the byway

Deb on the byway

self portrait


Deb joined us on the tour of the Utah parks…..Natural bridges (not worth the effort), Capital Reef ( very cool rocks and pioneer relics), Bryce Canyon ( wow the hoodoos are so cool), and Zion (most amazing park ever including a 1.1 mile tunnel thru the mountain). Now for the GRAND CANYON!

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breaking camp in Moab


Natural bridges Nat Monument

Riding to Capital Reef

Glen Canyon Nat Rec area

Capital Reef Nat Park

Fruta area

Glen Canyon Nat Rec area overlook

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Park


Grand Staircase-Escalante National Park ridge road

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Park ridge road


Dan on curve

Sara video

Grand staircase overlook

Apple crisp

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sara riding to Bryce

wwr heading to Bryce

dan on the way to bryce

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Park



natural arch

team BMW



Dan and Sara at Bryce

self portrait

Trail to the overlook

Trail to the overlook

Deb at the overlook

Zion Mount Carmel Highway

1.1 mile tunnel

Zion tram

Zion tram

Sara at zion

zion tram

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2 Responses to MOAB….Arches, Canyons, Bridges….

  1. Jill says:

    You have the makings of a fantastic photo book, here! Keep up the fantastic posts and continue to have fun! 🙂

  2. Dorothy McWatters says:

    Great pictures

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