Monthly Archives: January 2018

Love’n it in Laos!

Laos Phonsavan-20

The team splits up temporarily today as Trevor and the Swede go south and WWR heads north. We are going 234 km north and then east to Phonsavan.

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Laos Phonsavan-3

Laos Phonsavan-4

We initially had a 57 km back track to Kasi and then we continued north on the 13N.… Read the rest

Posted in Laos | Leave a comment

Lulu is back in Action in Laos

Laos Border & Luang Prabang-16

The ride from the Chinese to the Laos border is paved and mostly downhill.

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You park at the immigration building and go inside. Here you fill in an entry card and stand in the first line for a passport check. Next you fill out a visa application form.… Read the rest

Posted in Laos | 1 Comment

No more Dilly Dali We Need To Get Out Of CHINA

Yunan Dali-9

Today we have just 180 km to “The Ancient City of Dali” The road except for the last 45 km in toll and though motorcycles are allowed, pillions are not so it is the van for Sara for most of the day.… Read the rest

Posted in China | 4 Comments

Searching for Shangri-La….but finding Lovely Lijiang!

China Lijiang_-15

Today we have another 375 km planned and there are 3 passes to 4600, 5075, and 4200 m and the entire road serpentine to Dechen/Deqen.

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The first checkpoint is just as we are leaving town.


The passes are reached by switch backs up and down.… Read the rest

Posted in China | 10 Comments

Pull up your boot straps people when you are pushed to the brink!


We headed further up and past a glacier hanging on the mountainside.

to shannan






Just around the corner there was a commercial view point. Once the guide van showed up where some guy walked up and wanted 10$per bike each for parking….we said ahh no.… Read the rest

Posted in China | Leave a comment

The Peak of Everest and the Pit of Despair!


Today we are only going 272 km to Shigatze (Rizkaze, Riz Ka Ze, Xigatze) on a good quality road that winds along the river. The best part is we only go up 300 m.

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First drama of the trip occurred as we were leaving the hotel and turning right onto a 4 lane divided road.… Read the rest

Posted in China | 8 Comments